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Phone Numbers

For e-mail addresses of CNW contacts, click here.
Bandon Office: 541-347-4718
Vista del Lago Conference Center: (To come)
Fax: 541-347-1174
Cell Numbers: (Being changed. Will post shortly.)
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Important Policy Note

While CNW is always available to answer general questions from anyone interested in the auto industry, our clients and 10,000-plus subscribers come first. To assure an accurate answer to your automotive question, please e-mail your question to [email protected] or click through to The Brain Trust in the left bar. Due to the volume of requests, we cannot answer questions by phone.
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Company Background

Founded in 1984, CNW Marketing/Research began as Coastal NW Publishing Company. Through the years, clients and subscribers have spread from the Great Northwest to include every state of the union (except Alabama), Australia, Europe, Asia and Canada. Clients include major automobile manufacturers, banks and lending institutions, Wall Street brokerage firms and consultants. Besides publishing LTR/8+ (America's most quoted source of leasing information), CNW publishes new and used vehicle industry reference guides and study summaries, a monthly Retail Automotive Summary of sales and trends, as well as our online research distribution center, CNW by WEB. CNW holds an annual conference in Los Angeles in connection with Time Inc. Mr. Spinella is available for Executive Sessions for a limited number of clients.
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